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Dr Sumanth Nagabushan

General Paediatrician

About Dr Nagabushan

Dr Sumanth Nagabushan trained in both General Paediatrics and Paediatric Oncology within the Sydney Children’s Hospital Network. He currently works as a paediatric oncologist at the Kids Cancer Centre, Sydney Children’s Hospital.

Prior to his move to Australia, he was a paediatrician in Oxford, UK following training in general and community paediatrics, neonatology, paediatric cardiology, and neurology in the London and Oxford speciality rotational programs of the National Health Service, United Kingdom. His primary medical qualification was from India.

His 20-year post graduate medical experience enables looking after babies and children with a range of common and complex clinical childhood problems, in a safe, evidence-based and family-centred manner.

He is passionate about education and is a Conjoint Lecturer in the University of New South Wales and an accredited RACP Clinical Supervisor for trainees. Sumanth’s research interests are childhood cancer and precision medicine for brain tumours.

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