Genetic Screening & Counselling

Genetic Screening & Counselling

Genetic screening and counselling are valuable tools that can help your family understand your genetic heritage, providing insight into inherited health risks and guiding you through the choices for your current and future well-being. Understanding these genetic underpinnings helps you and your family prepare for and address potential health challenges.

Whether you have a family history of genetic conditions, planning a pregnancy, or seeking guidance on inherited health issues, genetic screening offers a wealth of support and advice. Speak to us today about our genetic screening tests.

Understanding The Roles Of

Genetic Counselling And Screenings

Genetic screening and genetic counselling are two interconnected facets of genetic healthcare, yet they serve distinct purposes. Genetic screening is a medical test that looks for specific inherited disorders and susceptibilities to disease, providing a snapshot of an individual’s genetic risk factors. It’s a proactive measure that can identify potential health issues before symptoms arise.

Genetic counselling, on the other hand, is a personalised service that helps individuals understand and interpret the results of genetic screening. It involves a dialogue with a genetic counsellor who offers expert insights into what the findings mean for an individual’s health and that of their family, discusses the implications of inherited conditions, and aids in navigating the emotional and practical aspects of genetic information.

What is Genetic Testing?

If you have symptoms of a genetic condition, or a family history that suggests you might be at risk, your doctor may recommend genetic testing.

A broad spectrum of inherited disorders are identifiable through genetic testing. This includes disorders screened at birth or prenatally, and extends to familial cancer syndromes and birth defects with genetic links, such as neural tube defects and cleft lip and palate.

Some of the tests that we offer at Children’s Health Hub to determine genetic conditions include:

If you have symptoms of a genetic condition, or a family history that suggests you might be at risk, your doctor may recommend genetic testing.

A broad spectrum of inherited disorders are identifiable through genetic testing. This includes disorders screened at birth or prenatally, and extends to familial cancer syndromes and birth defects with genetic links, such as neural tube defects and cleft lip and palate.

Some of the tests that we offer at Children’s Health Hub to determine genetic conditions include:

Genetic Screening

Before Pregnancy

Genetic testing can indicate if you might pass a genetic condition to your kids. This kind of test is known as reproductive genetic carrier screening. Even if you don’t show any signs of the disorder, you can still have one copy of the gene and pass it on to your child. If both parents carry the gene, your child has a higher chance of having the disorder. This screening is often done for couples planning to have children or for individuals who want to know their carrier status.

Some of the most common genetic conditions include:

Through diagnosis, counselling and support, education and research, our team can help you make informed decisions about your child’s health and wellbeing.

Do I Need Genetic Counselling?

Seeking the guidance of a genetic counsellor can be beneficial for various reasons. You may want to explore genetic counselling if you or someone in your family has a known genetic condition, or if genetic disorders (such as young-onset cancers like bowel, breast, or ovarian cancer) are present in your family history. It’s also advisable if you have a child displaying symptoms that may suggest a genetic disorder. Even in the unique scenario of considering having a child with a blood relative, a genetic counsellor can provide essential information and support.

During your genetic counselling session, you’ll receive personalised information and support to understand the genetic aspects of health conditions that may affect you or your family.

Schedule Your Genetic Counselling Session Today

The team at the Children’s Health Hub believes that empowering families through education is key. We stay
informed with the latest research on the genetic conditions that you or your family member are
so closely acquainted with. We’re here to consult with, support, and navigate both families
and experts through what can sometimes be a very lonely path.

Together, genetic screening and counselling can empower you with knowledge about your genetic makeup, aiding in the management, prevention, and planning for your family’s future health needs. 

The team at the Children’s Health Hub believes that empowering families through education is key. We stay informed with the latest research on the genetic conditions that you or your family member are so closely acquainted with. We’re here to consult with, support, and navigate both families and experts through what can sometimes be a very lonely path.

Together, genetic screening and counselling can empower you with knowledge about your genetic makeup, aiding in the management, prevention, and planning for your family’s future health needs. Speak to us today about your concerns.