Specialist Paediatric Ultrasounds

Specialist Paediatric Ultrasounds

If you’re a parent considering a specialist paediatric ultrasound for your child, it’s essential to understand that this procedure is both gentle and safe, designed to give doctors a clear view of what’s happening inside your child’s body. We know that for any parent, any medical procedure involving your child can feel overwhelming – often accompanied by a myriad of questions and concerns. 

When your child needs an ultrasound, know that everything is designed with their comfort in mind. Our machines and techniques are specifically suited for children’s smaller bodies. Our sonographers who perform these ultrasounds are not just experts in their field; they’re also experienced in working with children, ensuring that the experience is as stress-free as possible for both you and your child. They’ll explain the process in a way that’s easy to understand, helping to alleviate any fears or anxieties.

What Does An Ultrasound Do?

As parents, it’s natural to worry, but specialist paediatric ultrasounds are a routine part of children’s healthcare, providing vital information in a safe and child-friendly manner. The reasons for recommending an ultrasound are diverse and can range from evaluating symptoms such as abdominal pain or checking on the development of an organ to monitoring a known condition.

These ultrasounds can look at various parts of the body, like the abdomen, or hips, and they’re incredibly useful for diagnosing and monitoring different health conditions in a non-invasive way. It’s a straightforward procedure, but its impact is significant—it helps doctors understand and treat various conditions effectively, ensuring your child gets the best possible care.

Why Does My Child Need an Ultrasound?

Children may need an ultrasound for a variety of reasons, primarily for diagnostic purposes. An ultrasound is a preferred imaging method in paediatrics due to its safety, as it does not involve exposure to radiation like X-rays or CT scans. 

Here are some common reasons why your child might need an ultrasound:

Abdominal pain or swelling

To diagnose causes of abdominal pain, swelling, or other gastrointestinal symptoms, an ultrasound can help detect appendicitis, bowel obstructions, or other abdominal issues.

Kidney issues

Paediatric kidney ultrasounds are used to examine the kidneys. They can identify conditions such as hydronephrosis (swelling of the kidneys) or kidney stones.

Hip dysplasia in infants

A paediatric hip ultrasound is used to screen for developmental dysplasia of the hip in newborns and infants, a condition where the hip joint has not formed properly.

Head ultrasounds in Infants

For newborns, especially premature infants, head ultrasounds can be performed to check for any internal brain issues, such as bleeding or fluid accumulation.

Knee issues

A paediatric knee ultrasound effectively examines soft tissues, identifies fluid and inflammation, assesses injuries, and growth plate issues.

Monitoring chronic conditions

Children with certain chronic conditions may undergo regular ultrasounds to monitor the status or progression of their illness.

What To Expect From a Paediatric Ultrasound

Understanding what to expect from a paediatric ultrasound can help alleviate some of the natural anxiety you might feel as a parent. Here’s what you need to know:

Before The Ultrasound

Your doctor will provide specific instructions, which depend on which part of your child’s body is being examined. For some types of ultrasounds, your child may need to fast for a certain period or drink water to fill the bladder. These guidelines are designed to ensure the clearest possible images are obtained during the scan.

During The Ultrasound

On the day of the ultrasound, your presence can be a great source of comfort for your child. The sonographer will apply a special gel on your child’s skin in the area being examined. This gel helps the ultrasound probe move smoothly and ensures better contact with the skin, leading to clearer images. The probe will then be moved over the skin to capture images. The procedure is painless and typically takes about 20-30 minutes, depending on what is being examined.

After the Ultrasound

After the ultrasound, the captured images are analysed by a radiologist who prepares a report. This report is sent to your doctor – typically within a few days – depending on the image complexity and the doctor’s specific analysis requests. Your doctor will then review the results with you, explaining their implications for your child’s health and any necessary follow-up steps.

Find Kids Ultrasound Services Near You

Need a paediatric ultrasound close by? Choose our expert kids’ ultrasound services. With top-notch facilities and experienced staff, we ensure high-quality, safe care for your child. 

Simply search ‘paediatric ultrasound near me’ or ‘kids ultrasound near me’ to locate us and book your appointment. We’re committed to your child’s health and comfort.

Need a paediatric ultrasound close by? Choose our expert kids’ ultrasound services. With top-notch facilities and experienced staff, we ensure high-quality, safe care for your child. 

Simply search ‘paediatric ultrasound near me’ or ‘kids ultrasound near me’ to locate us and book your appointment. We’re committed to your child’s health and comfort.