Haemangioma In Children: Types, Symptoms, Complications, Treatment

Hemangiomas are benign (non-cancerous) growths made up of abnormal blood vessels. They are the most common type of vascular tumor in infants and young children, affecting up to 10% of all babies. Hemangiomas can appear anywhere on the body but are most commonly found on the face, scalp, chest, or back.

Types of Hemangiomas

There are two main types of hemangiomas: infantile hemangiomas and congenital hemangiomas.

Infantile hemangiomas, or “strawberry marks,” are the most common type and usually appear within the first few weeks of life. They overgrow during the first six months, gradually shrinking and disappearing over the next several years.

Congenital hemangiomas, on the other hand, are present at birth and do not grow as rapidly as infantile hemangiomas.


The exact causes of hemangiomas are not fully understood, but they are believed to result from abnormal growth of blood vessels in the skin. Hemangiomas are more common in premature infants and females, and they may also be more likely to occur in babies of mothers who smoked during pregnancy.


A hemangioma may occasionally turn into a sore. Pain, haemorrhage, scars, or infection may result from this. The hemangioma may obstruct your child’s eyesight, breathing, hearing, or elimination, although this is uncommon.

Hemangiomas Symptoms

Hemangiomas typically appear as raised, red or pink bumps on the skin. They can vary in size and shape and may be smooth or have a rough, lumpy texture. In some cases, they may also have a bluish tint.

The symptoms of hemangiomas can vary depending on their location and size. Some common symptoms include:

1. Rapid growth: 

Hemangiomas often grow rapidly in the first few months of life, which can be alarming for parents.

2. Ulceration: 

Hemangiomas on the skin may become ulcerated or break open, which can cause bleeding or scabbing.

3. Discoloration: 

Hemangiomas located on the face or other visible body areas can cause cosmetic concerns, as they can be quite noticeable.

4. Pain Or Discomfort: 

Hemangiomas located in certain areas, such as the mouth or throat, can cause pain or discomfort, especially when eating or swallowing.

5. Vision Or Hearing Problems: 

Hemangiomas near the eyes or ears can cause vision or hearing problems if they grow large enough to pressure these structures.

In rare cases, hemangiomas can cause more serious complications, such as obstructive airway disease, high-output heart failure, or bleeding disorders. These complications are more likely to occur in larger or deeper hemangiomas or critical areas of the body.

If you notice any of these symptoms in your child, it is important to consult a healthcare provider, like Children’s Health Hub, to determine the best course of treatment. 


Most hemangiomas do not require treatment and will go away on their own. However, some hemangiomas may cause complications, such as bleeding or ulceration, or grow in a location that causes cosmetic or functional concerns. In these cases, treatment may be necessary.

There are several treatment options for hemangiomas, including:

1. Medications: 

Certain medications, such as corticosteroids, beta-blockers, or chemotherapy drugs, may be used to slow the growth of hemangiomas and reduce their size.

2. Laser therapy: 

Laser therapy can remove the superficial layers of the hemangioma, causing it to shrink and fade over time.

3. Surgery: 

In some cases, surgical removal of the hemangioma may be necessary, especially if it is causing significant functional or cosmetic concerns.

4. Observation: 

For small, uncomplicated hemangiomas, observation may be the best course of action, as they will often go away on their own without causing any problems.

In addition to medical treatment, parents can take steps to help manage their child’s hemangioma, such as:

1. Protecting The Hemangioma From Injury: 

Hemangiomas are often located on areas of the body that are prone to injury, such as the face or scalp. Parents should protect the hemangioma from accidental injuries, such as bumping or scratching.

2. Keeping The Area Clean And Dry: 

Hemangiomas can sometimes become infected, so it is important to keep the area clean and dry.

3. Using Compression Garments: 

For hemangiomas located on the trunk or limbs, compression garments can help reduce swelling and improve blood flow.

4. Seeking Emotional Support: 

Hemangiomas can be a source of emotional stress for parents and children, especially if they are located in a visible location. It is important to seek emotional support and connect with other parents who have gone through similar experiences.

In most cases, hemangiomas are not a cause for concern and will go away alone. However, parents should know the potential complications and seek medical treatment if necessary. With proper care and management, most children with hemangiomas will go on to live healthy and happy lives.

Whenever to visit a doctor

At routine checks, the doctor will keep an eye on the hemangioma in your child. If the hemangioma bleeds, develops a sore, or appears infectious, consult us at Children’s Health Hub.

Get medical attention if the condition affects your child’s eyesight, breathing, hearing, or elimination.